Meet the Folks


Oh, the pink! Oh, the cream! I purchased Goose when she was just a wee little tiny thing. I never in a million years could have imagined that she would turn out to be this incredible. I simply don’t have words…


Harper’s image always comes to my mind when I think of that perfect “dirty” gecko. She’s got it all…bold color, heavy contrast, and that beautiful rainbow of spots…


When I first saw Bang-Bang I just fell in love with her funky pattern. With each shed she just gets better and better…

Pretty On The Inside

I don’t know how this girl makes such outstanding babies!! Good genetics, I suppose! 🙂 All of Pretty on the Inside’s siblings were bright reds or oranges…almost perfectly patternless with bunches of chunky dalmatian spots. When little “POI” popped out of her egg, I knew she was my ugly duckling of the season!…

W.C. Don

Man, I love those dirty geckos!!! Beautiful bright red, stunning pops of cream, and loads of multi-colored spotting. This lovely lady has it all!

Piermont “Piney”

I wish there was a word stronger than “love”. I’ll just have to make one up – Flubble. I Flubble this gecko!!! Piney is my pride & joy. She’s my favorite from this pairing, and quite possibly my favorite production of all time.

Edison Glass

What’s not to like here? Great color. Great contrast. Great personality. I just love the insane amount of lateral dashing on this kid. Fired up or down, this one is a stunning animal.